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Professional Services

The implementation of EXEControl® is one of the most important decisions your company will make. All business implementations require wide concentrated effort. For EXEControl® users, the new system live date marks the beginning of an enterprise-wide focus toward continuous business improvements. All EXEControl® Global Solutions’ clients have an information technology foundation capable of responding to ever evolving business objectives. If you think of a way to improve your business, EXEControl® Global Solutions is ready to make it a reality.

Understanding the offerings

EXEControl® Global Solutions is the only vendor you need to augment your current staffing to meet all your information technology and business process improvement tasks. Since the requirements necessary to augment existing staff varies from one company to another, EXEControl® Global Solutions offers a cafeteria-style selection of their professional services.

Product Offering Summary of service
Support Services Software, hardware and networking
Maintenance Agreements Proactive preventative maintenance
On-site Business Improvement Visits Professional business consulting
EXEConsult Business Advantage Access to a personal account specialist
Business & Technology Projects Continuous process improvement
Equipment Services Selection, procurement and configuration
Other Services Upgrade and server protection programs

At the end of this document is an explanation concerning EXEControl® Global Solutions’ position on security.

Support Services

Everything an end-user needs to know about customer service:

  • Phone #: 877-633-3324 or 518-688-8779
  • Fax #: 518-688-8800
  • Email: support@execontrol.com or network.support@execontrol.com
  • Standard business hours: 8:00am to 5:00pm EST Monday through Friday
  • Off-hour support: Same phone numbers listed above, use extension five
  • Website: www.execontrol.com follow link for customer login

EXEControl® Global Solutions’ Customer Support Center makes the reporting and resolution of issues quick and easy.

When calling our Support Center, the automated attendant will ask you to select one for EXEControl® support or two for equipment, networking or Windows support. Upon making your selection you will be routed to the appropriate support technician.

When sending a fax provide your name, company name, how to contact you and a description of the problem. Send your fax “Attention: Support Center”. A support technician will receive your fax, log the call and establish a plan for resolution.

When using email, submit questions to support@execontrol.com for EXEControl® issues and network.support@execontrol.com for equipment, networking or Windows support.

When using the Internet, use www.execontrol.com and select the “LOGIN” button. Once logged on, simply select the button for ‘Place support request’ and fill out the request form. To set up a logon ID and password please submit your request to websetup@execontrol.com.

Status of all calls is also accessible from EXEControl® Global Solutions’ website. Every support issue received by EXEControl® Global Solutions’ Support Center is logged regardless of submission method. A confirmation email is usually sent to the user placing the call and/or the company’s designated System Administrator. Status update emails are normally sent when the call is started, placed on hold, taken off hold and completed.

EXEControl® Global Solutions’ technical support personnel are trained to answer questions regarding EXEControl®, operating systems, databases, Microsoft products and computer equipment.

Support escalation process: All calls will be handled in the order received with the exception of ‘emergency calls’ and the support level of the client. Emergency calls are those situations where there is no way for user(s) to proceed with their work and the work must be accomplished immediately. EXEControl Global Solutions’ personnel will make this determination.

Although the time delay from when a support call is placed and when resolution is started may vary, EXEControl Global Solutions finds most calls are addressed within 24 hours.

If you ever become dissatisfied with the quality of our service during or after a service call, please contact one of the two managers of the support center. One manager is responsible for support on EXEControl® and the other is responsible for support of equipment, networks and Windows. To contact one of these managers simply use the phone numbers listed above and asks for the appropriate manager. You may also contact EXEControl Global Solutions’ complaint resolution team at crt@execontrol.com.

EXEControl® Global Solutions provides 24x7x365 support services. Our Support Center is staffed 8-5 M-F EST during normal business days. Support outside these hours is provided via our off-hour support voice mailbox which may be reached by selecting extension five from our phone system greeting.

EXEControl® Global Solutions’ Support Center is closed on the following holidays: New Years, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas and Day after Christmas. Support on these days and any other day that the corporate office is closed is provided via our off-hour support voice mailbox.

The following levels of customer support are available:

  • “As required”: EXEControl® Global Solutions’ technical personnel will provide support on an as needed basis. No annual fee is required for such service.
  • “Limited access”: Technical support questions may be submitted via email, web portal or fax. EXEControl Global Solutions’ responses will be returned via email.
  • “Full access”: Technical support questions may be submitted via email, web, fax or phone. EXEControl® Global Solutions’ technical support personnel will respond using the method that seems most reasonable, which may include phone. Full access customers are given priority in the support queue.

What is covered by your support agreement:

As a general rule, all support calls placed in accordance with the procedures outlined in the EXEControl Global Solutions’ Professional Service document which relate to a specific question about how your existing network and/or EXEControl software function are covered at no additional charge. The following expands on this basic premise to help articulate what types of assistance and questions are and are not covered at no additional charge.

Items Covered:

  • Questions regarding specific use of formally implemented EXEControl options
  • Investigation of data issues
  • Investigation of issues with the Network Operating System (NOS)
  • Investigation of equipment failures
  • Specific questions regarding Windows settings and supported programs
  • Investigation of firewall issues
  • Assistance with VPN and Internet connectivity
  • Assistance with users unable to connect to the corporate network
  • Quick and simple changes to Windows and EXEControl system settings.

Items Not Covered:

  • Issues requiring off-hours assistance
  • Assistance with aspects of the system that have not been formally implemented by EXEControl
  • New project work
  • Restoration of infected PCs
  • Performing nightly backups
  • Maintaining system tables
  • Rectification of issues resulting from third parties
  • Resolution of issues that would have been avoided if the company had accepted a quote or proposal to address the issue
  • Resolution of issues caused by unauthorized changes
  • Rebuilding of corrupted data
  • Providing answers that have been provided multiple times
  • Working directly with your vendors and customers
  • Extra time required to perform investigation efforts that were requested of the user
  • Training employees
  • Writing and maintaining client specific documentation
  • Consulting efforts
  • Issues arising from company not having appropriate preventative maintenance procedures in place
  • Installation of new hardware and user accounts.

Special billing situations:

As part of your acceptance of our support agreement program, EXEControl Global Solutions has implemented the following measures to expedite the support process:

  • All Issues not routed through the support queue including all consultative time with EXEControl Global Solution’s business consultants will be logged and periodically billed based upon time and material. This includes time required to identify what would need to be performed to make any requested changes, even if the investigation is solely to provide a project proposal.
  • All after hour calls will be billed on a time and material basis regardless of the issue.
  • Installation of common hardware and user accounts will be performed using standard fixed pricing matrices and billed upon completion. Situations where the installation of common hardware falls outside the standard billing matrix, an individualized project proposal will be provided for the work.

EXEControl Global Solutions will notify your company of any other issues that might not be covered under normal support as soon as we are reasonably able to do so. It is understood that there may be situations where EXEControl Global Solutions is unable to notify the client prior to commencement of part or all of the effort required to resolve the issue. In such situations, the client will still be liable for the expense. These exceptions might include emergency situations (e.g.; all locations are down and no one can connect to the servers due to a third party change made to your network).

Billing practice for clients with an “As required” support agreement level:

EXEControl Global Solutions will immediately provide the support and bill the client after the fact on a time and material basis. In some cases pre-authorization of payment via credit card may be required. Issues that typically are not covered under normal support will go through the same procedures listed above with some tasks automatically getting approved and billed after the fact and others requiring approval prior to any time investment.

How to best utilize EXEControl support services:

In order to address your support issues as quickly and efficienty as possible, we ask that you be able to provide answers to the following when contacting support:

  • Describe the problem in as much detail as possible. Include a description of what the user was trying to do, the menu options used, names of reports, how questions/prompts were answered, text of errors that appeared on the screen, etc. If questioning numbers on a report or on a screen, include information regarding what numbers you were expecting to see and where these numbers came from (i.e. are two reports/screens being compared, what formulas/methods were used to calculate these numbers).
  • Has this ever been done successfully before? If so, when? If not, why does the user think this should work?
  • Has anything changed since the last time the user was able to do this (i.e. are they at a new location, do they have a new pc/thin client, was a new procedure created, are they working with a new item)?
  • When did this start happening?
  • Which user(s) is experiencing this problem (include name and logon id)?
  • Has this problem been encountered before? If so, when?
  • Can the problem be repeated? Please include the specific keystrokes used if not specified in question #1.
  • Does the user have PCAnywhere on their machine?
  • Is there a temporary workaround?
  • Is there a specific time/date that this needs to be resolved by?

Maintenance Agreements

EXEControl® Global Solutions maintenance agreements are designed to maximize system up time. This is accomplished by performing preventative maintenance on a set schedule prior to system failures.

There are three basic maintenance programs:

  • Server and database maintenance
  • Automated server monitoring
  • Workstation maintenance

Server and database maintenance: EXEControl® Global Solutions will perform routine server and database maintenance. Each maintenance task is placed on a selected interval. Some tasks require portions and/or the entire system to be down while the preventative maintenance is performed. Clients will be given the option to skip selected preventative maintenance task and/or schedule them for off-hours. Tasks performed during off-hours will be subject to the off-hour surcharge. Skipped tasks will not reduce the support agreement pricing.

The following is a list of preventative maintenance tasks that are included as part of the Server and Database Maintenance agreement. Those tasks in red require system downtime where all users will need to be off of either the entire system or a portion thereof.



Typical time required








Clean all EXEControl data files

4 hrs.

twice a year



Resize/repack entire mvBASE system

6 hrs.

twice a year



Load mvBASE patch sets

1 hr.

once a year

Typically done in conjunction with resize/repack


Analysis of EXEControl performance

4 hrs.

once a year

Breakdown of analysis provided under separate cover


Reinitialize print spooler

15 min.

twice a year







Backup protection





Review backup procedures

1 hr.

twice a year



Clean tape drive(s)

30 min.

twice a year



Verify physical backup tapes

30 min./tape

twice a year

Selective check of tapes


Verify physical backup tapes

8 hrs.

only if needed

Complete check of all tapes


Verify virtual saves

30 min./save

twice a year

Selective check of saves


Store a copy of a virtual save at EGS

30 min.

twice a year



Create a ghost backup of all servers

2 hrs./server

twice a year

Requires purchase of tape and compatibility


Test UPS battery

30 min.

once a year

Battery life averages three years











O/S (Windows)





Perform virus check

30 min.


Scan of server hard drives


Confirm current anti-virus definitions

5 min.




Perform anti-spyware check

30 min.


Scan of server hard drives


Confirm current anti-spyware definitions

5 min.




Load Windows updates

2 hrs.

twice a year

Patches loaded based upon nature of the patch


Load Office updates

1 hr.

twice a year

Patches loaded based upon nature of the patch


Empty recycle bin

10 min.

twice a year



Review event logs, save a copy and clear

1 hr.

twice a year



Confirm cluster group functionality

1 hr.

twice a year

Data replication, software installations, IP clusters


Advise on third party updates

1 hr.

once a year







Server hardware





Physical inspection

30 min.

once a year

Fans, cables, internal components


Check hard disk space

5 min.

twice a year



Perform hard disk performance test

2 hrs./disk

once a year

Hard disk life averages five years


Update BIOS& firmware

2 hrs.

as required

Only to address server issues






Other hardware





Update firmware on firewalls

1 hr.

as required

Only to address server issues


Update firmware on switches

1 hr.

as required

Only to address server issues


Update firmware on hubs

1 hr.

as required

Only to address server issues






Infrastructure Analysis





Provide infrastructure recommendations

4 hrs.

twice a year



Environment adjustments

1 hr.

twice a year

Temperature, cleanliness


Review password/security policies

1 hr.

once a year



Automated server monitoring: EXEControl® Global Solutions has the ability to monitor system error logs and real-time performance statistics remotely via the Internet.  Remote monitoring software will alert EXEControl® Global Solutions’ technical personnel of potential system and network problems.  EXEControl® Global Solutions will respond with corrective actions as outlined below.  Often EXEControl Global Solutions will have started the resolution process before the end user is even aware of the issue. This is the fastest way to react to network health problems and greatly improves the overall uptime and user experience of your network services.

The items monitored and the action taken is different depending on if the situation occurs during normal EXEControl Global Solutions’ business hours or during off-hours.  The following outlines the monitored items and the actions for both situations.

During normal EGS business hours







Confirm all routers/switches are operational and accessible to the rest of the network

This validates ISP networks at the same time



Confirm reasonable network response time to all routers/switches




Check for unusually high number of packet losses




Alert of system running on UPS (power out)







Confirm all EXEControl .Net/VB programs are running

List includes: EXECpcl, EXECverify, EXECftp, EXECfax, EXECrelay



Confirm all EXEControl .Net/VB programs are operational




Confirm all critical third party programs are running

List includes: Pegasus, Antivirus, Accuterm



Confirm selective third party programs are operational

Available for: Pegasus



Confirm all common mvWorkstation groups at all locations are running




Confirm all common mvWorkstation groups at all locations are operational




Monitor environmental conditions

Only if environmental testing is available (e.g.; temperature)










Confirm mvBASE is operational




Verify all background processes are running

BG, WEB, EMAIL, TLOG, WAKEUP, custom (e.g.; EDI)



Verify nightly save has been started

NIGHT account logged on



Verify that transaction logging's queues are not too large

Three level threshold: records log entry, warns EGS, shuts off process



Confirm that all background processes are operational




Confirm that internet email is sending/receiving from EXEControl




Identify records locked for more than one hour




Check for new entries in the SYSTEM-ERRORS file

Identifies GFE and other potential problems



Check EXEControl error log(s)











Confirm server(s) are operational




Check event logs on all servers

Errors reported to technician to determine action to be taken, if any. Test identifies potential hardware problems such as hard disk or memory errors.



Confirm reasonable CPU usage threshold




Confirm reasonable RAM usage threshold




Check disk space availability threshold

All servers and other key disk storage units










Historic graphing of CPU and RAM usage




Historic graphing of wide-area-network response time



During after hours







Confirm all routers/switches are operational and accessible to the rest of the network

This validates ISP networks at the same time. Must be down for 15min. prior to notification



Alert of system running on UPS (power out)



















Confirm all EXEControl .Net/VB programs are running

List includes: EXECpcl, EXECverify, EXECftp, EXECfax, and EXECrelay. Notification will be received next business morning.



Confirm all EXEControl .Net/VB programs are operational

Notification will be received next business morning.



Confirm all critical third party programs are running

List includes: Pegasus, Antivirus, and Accuterm. Notification will be received next business morning.



Confirm selective third party programs are operational

Available for: Pegasus. Notification will be received next business morning.



Confirm all common mvWorkstation groups at all locations are running

Notification will be received next business morning.



Confirm all common mvWorkstation groups at all locations are operational

Notification will be received next business morning.



Monitor environmental conditions

Only if environmental testing is available (e.g.; temperature)










Confirm mvBASE is operational




Verify all background processes are running

BG, WEB, EMAIL, TLOG, WAKEUP, custom (e.g.; EDI). Notification will be received next business morning.



Verify that transaction logging's queues are not too large

Three level threshold: records log entry, warns EGS, shuts off process



Confirm that all background processes are operational

WAKEUP and BG. Notification will be received next business morning.



Confirm that internet email is sending/receiving from EXEControl

Notification will be received next business morning.










Confirm server(s) are operational




Check event logs on all servers

Errors reported to technician to determine action to be taken, if any. Test identifies potential hardware problems such as hard disk or memory errors. Notification will be received next business morning.



Confirm reasonable CPU usage threshold

Must be at critical level for half hour prior to notification



Confirm reasonable RAM usage threshold

Must be at critical level for half hour prior to notification



Check disk space availability threshold

All servers and other key disk storage units


Workstation maintenance:

EXEControl® Global Solutions will perform routine workstation maintenance for all non-server PCs.  Each maintenance task is placed on a selected interval. All tasks will require the user(s) to be completely off the workstation while tasks are performed. Clients will be given the option to skip selected preventative maintenance task and/or schedule them for off-hours. Tasks performed during off-hours will be subject to the off-hour surcharge. Skipped tasks will not reduce the support agreement pricing.


The following is a list of preventative maintenance tasks that are included as part of the Workstation Maintenance agreement.



Typical time required



Backup protection





Review of local data storage

1 hr.

Twice a year

Quick scan for data that should not be save locally.


Create a ghost backup

2 hrs.

twice a year

Requires purchase of tape and compatibility


Test UPS battery

30 min.

once a year

Battery life averages three years






O/S (Windows)





Perform virus check

30 min.




Confirm current anti-virus definitions

5 min.




Perform anti-spyware check

30 min.




Confirm current anti-spyware definitions

5 min.




Load Windows updates

2 hrs.

twice a year

Patches loaded based upon nature of the patch


Load Office updates

1 hr.

twice a year

Patches loaded based upon nature of the patch


Empty recycle bin

10 min.

twice a year



Review event logs, save a copy and clear

1 hr.

twice a year



Confirm cluster group functionality

1 hr.

Twice a year

Data replication






Server hardware





Physical inspection

30 min.

once a year

Fans, cables, internal components


Check hard disk space

5 min.

twice a year



Perform hard disk performance test

2 hrs./disk

once a year

Hard disk life averages five years


Update BIOS& firmware

2 hrs.

As required

Only to address workstation issues






Workstation Analysis





Perform software/hardware audit

1 hr.

once a year

Requires purchase of audit management software


Provide workstation recommendations

1 hr.

twice a year



Environment adjustments

1 hr.

twice a year

Temperature, cleanliness


On-site Business Improvement Visits

EXEControl® Global Solutions assists clients in planning their future improvements.  Scheduled visits to ensure projects are moving forward are a critical part of this process.  Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.  Our most successful clients tend to be those with scheduled on-site visits.

On-site consulting is the key to proactive systems management: Information technology and business practices are constantly changing. As such, your information system can never be considered ‘complete’. Regular on-site consulting helps you avoid the normal effects of system obsolescence. A steady, deliberate and guided investment in information technology will prevent you from having to scrap and replace your information system every few years at a tremendous cost. The regular presence of a consultant who understands your business and its systems, and is knowledgeable about how newer technology may be effectively applied, will help ensure that your business stays competitive in a world of ever-increasing technology and automation.

Why on-site visits?

Someday never comes…

Often your creative ideas never materialize because you do not have enough time to make them happen. A regular consulting visit provides an avenue for these ideas to actually come to fruition.

Out of sight, out of mind…

Without an ongoing presence at your place of business, we at EXEControl® Global Solutions may only think about your situation when a crisis occurs. A regular on-site visit ensures IT related issues that concern your business are continuously within our field of vision, enabling us to make important recommendations before a crisis arises.

Peak productivity

Time at a client’s site is highly productive, because the consultant gives his full attention to your projects, has full visibility of actual situations and procedures, and has full access to your knowledgeable people for quick decisions and questions regarding a given project.

It is important to note that on-site visits are not designed primarily to be sit-down meetings, but rather a time to actually implement the decisions made during brief strategy sessions. As such, you do not need to plan for yourself or any of your employees to be tied up for the entire day while an EXEControl® Global Solutions’ consultant is on-site. Once clarity is achieved regarding the specific projects to be performed, the on-site consultant works independently to complete them. As long as the consultant is allowed to occasionally interrupt certain people to pose questions, you and your company can go about business as usual.

EXEConsult Business Advantage

EXEControl® Global Solutions recognizes the value of having a business specialist who is thoroughly acquainted with your system and business operations.  Our business specialists are individuals with significant understanding of business and technology.  Their goals and objectives are to aid your management in developing the best solutions possible in response to your business issues and demands.  Your business specialist utilizes EXEControl® Global Solutions’ benchmarking data from our wide array of customers and other staff members to design solutions that capitalize on best of breed practices.

EXEControl® Global Solutions ‘business specialist advantage’ program is designed to allow your staff to work directly with our specialists through pre-arranged scheduled meetings via phone, fax and email.  These meetings may be used for any purpose including discussions regarding initiatives that your company is currently working on.

Business & Technology Projects

Forward thinking businesses require a procedure by which innovative new ideas become a reality. EXEControl® Global Solutions has structured its software to quickly adapt to new or changed system requirements. Often these changes are activated by simple adjustments to parameters, tables, formulas or trigger points. Users often are able to make these simple adjustments without ever having to contact our professional service center. In other cases a single phone call to our support center is all it takes to change the system.

However, for those situations where the change is more than just a simple system configuration change, EXEControl® Global Solutions offers individualized project proposals. Project proposals encompass not only the effort required to activate the change within the system but also the planning phase with both formal and informal project blueprints or scope definitions.

Typical projects include:

Software adjustments

  • Customized reporting
  • Business process improvements
  • Changes in business practices
  • Organized EXEControl® training classes
  • Implementation of new EXEControl® modules
  • Activation of new EXEControl® features

Network adjustments

  • Installation of new equipment
  • Infrastructure enhancements
  • NOS migrations/upgrades
  • Network Application migrations/upgrades
  • Organized network training classes

Projects are quoted on a fixed price basis, unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Services

EXEControl® Global Solutions is a value-added reseller (VAR) for many manufacturers including HP, Compaq, Neoware, Digi International, Nexlink, Okidata, HHP, Zebra and many others.  These relationships allow us to provide computer equipment at competitive pricing.  Clients may purchase equipment on their own or through EXEControl® Global Solutions

EXEControl® Global Solutions offers the following services when purchasing new equipment: 

  • Review business objective and investigate best approach to achieving objective.
  • Define system requirements for new equipment.
  • Research market offerings for equipment that would best meet the system requirements.
  • Quote recommended equipment.
  • Procure equipment.
  • Pre-configure equipment prior to delivery.
  • Install equipment at customer’s site.
  • Test proper functioning of equipment.
  • Train end-users for proper use for the equipment.

 EXEControl® Global Solutions will provide on-going support for equipment purchased from another vendor provided it has been configured and installed properly and the equipment is something that EXEControl® Global Solutions has recommended for use with the client’s current system infrastructure.

Other Professional Services

Rounding out EXEControl® Global Solutions product offerings are two additional services:

  • EXEControl® software upgrade program
  • Server backup service

EXEControl® software upgrade program: EXEControl® Global Solutions will upgrade EXEControl® to the latest release each year. Services covered as part of this program are:

  • Install latest release of EXEControl® once each year.
  • Perform upgrade on test computer at EXEControl® Global Solutions’ offices for preliminary review and debugging (subject to media compatibility).
  • Review and update all custom programs to conform to new release.
  • Perform all necessary data conversions to ensure compatibility with latest software.
  • Archive previous software and data, and activate new system off-hours.
  • Address upgrade-related problems and questions during one-week period following upgrade (and indefinitely for customers with technical support contracts).

Server backup service: EXEControl® Global Solutions will provide a fully functional temporary replacement server on a 24x7x365 basis within six hours of a confirmed server equipment failure, for duration of up to three weeks while the original equipment is repaired or permanently replaced.

Security Always #1

The security of your system and data is of much concern not only to your company but to EXEControl® Global Solutions. Security takes on different forms for different clients. No security plan is fool proof and all have pros and cons associated with them.

Individuals face the reality of security imperfection in their attempt to protect their own personal belongings. Most individuals elect ‘mid-range’ protection for their personal belongings for two main reasons: cost and convenience. To set up ‘Fort Knox’ level security for an individual’s home would cost too much. It would also make it more difficult for the individual to gain access to their home.

EXEControl® Global Solutions recognizes these same principles. Our objective is to provide the best security possible while meeting the price constraints and the operational convenience factors of the client.

Security for a business becomes even more complex, because it must be provided not only against external attacks, but also against unauthorized internal access. This ‘end-to-end’ security concept is central to everything EXEControl® Global Solutions does.

The following is a summary list of security measures that are typically installed at client sites and additional security measures which may make sense for your company:

Standard security measures

  • Anti-virus software w/real-time updates
  • Internet firewall w/periodic updates
  • Off-site media backup
  • Backup of changed programs
  • Retirement of backup media every 6 months
  • User logon ID’s and passwords
  • Option and field level security
  • Trigger point alerts for unusual transactions
  • System lock for invalid response combinations
  • User activity logs
  • Logon attempt logs
  • Record change tracking
  • Time/date/user/device stamping

Optional security measures

  • Anti-spyware software
  • Network virtual backups
  • Transaction logging
  • Storage of tapes at EXEControl®’s facility
  • VPN (Virtual Private Network)
  • Network & host based intrusion detection
  • Internet filtering/blocking/monitoring
  • Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption
  • Intrusion Detection Scanners (IDS)
  • Authentication mechanisms

Strategic security planning with an EXEControl® Global Solutions’ network support technician is critical for your company’s protection.

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