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Local Businesses Prepare the Work Force of Tomorrow

Clifton Park, NY (February 2008) – Four years ago, Allan Robison, president and CEO of EXEControl Global Solutions, was alarmed by the number of young people ending their education upon their completion of high school.

“I saw a lot of youth graduating from high school and not pursuing a career or a job skill.Realizing the negative effect this decision would have on their lives stirred me to start a ‘College and Careers’ class in an effort to encourage the youth to reach higher, ” Allan said.

Not one to sit idly on the sidelines, Allan began a nine-week College and Careers course at the Schenectady L.E.A.H. (Loving Education At Home) home school group. He said this course is “dedicated to introduce youth to various career opportunities and to teach students how to prepare themselves for a future in the career of their choice.”
During the first week of the course, Allan focuses on the foundational understanding of why the students should obtain a skill set, whether vocational or higher educational in nature. Allan also pushes his students to understand the dynamics of displacement, and the fact that the more intellectual involvement their career requires, the less their risk of displacement.
The most vital piece of information he gives to his students, according to Allan, is that although money should not be someone’s lifelong goal, money is an important resource which can allow people to pursue their dreams and goals.

“If you had $1,000,000, what would you do with it?” Allan asks his students each year. “The reality is,” he explains to them, “on average a college graduate will earn $1,000,000 more over the course of their lifetime than someone with only a high school degree. That money can fund a lot of dreams.”
Allan guides the class through topics including how to select a college, plan financially for continuing education, write a resume, interview for a job, and live within one’s means. The class climaxes in its final week, during which each student submits a true-to-life resume and participates in a mock interview. The students are then judged on the quality of their resume and interview skills. Scholarship money provided by local businesses is awarded to the winners.
Allan guides the class through topics including how to select a college, plan financially for continuing education, write a resume, interview for a job, and live within one’s means. The class climaxes in its final week, during which each student submits a true-to-life resume and participates in a mock interview. The students are then judged on the quality of their resume and interview skills. Scholarship money provided by local businesses is awarded to the winners.
In order to organize a class with diversity and excellence in its topics, Allan coordinates representatives of various companies within the Capital District business community to be guest speakers at the College and Careers class. Some of the colleges and businesses that have partnered with Allan Robison of EXEControl Global Solutions include Union College, Siena College, Russell Sage College, Schenectady County Community College, Morning Star Resources, and Proliant Consulting.

One of Allan’s goals is to introduce his students to a wide variety of careers; therefore, he intentionally contacts professionals in diverse areas of work to speak about their specific fields. Each year nine new career opportunities are presented to the students of Schenectady L.E.A.H. A few of the fields that have been represented in the past include mortuary science, aeronautics, music, business, education, journalism, and computer science.
It takes a lot of time to put something like this together, and every year Allan tells himself, “I’m not going to do this again next year,” and yet every year he continues to do the College and Careers class. Why? “Teaching this class is very rewarding,” Allan explained, “and if something is important enough, you’ll make the time for it.”
The instances that make the College and Careers class worth the effort are those moments when Allan discovers he has broadened even one student’s horizons. Each year at least one student has started the College and Careers class with no intentions of continuing his or her education. At the end of Allan’s nine-week course, that student has dramatically revolutionized his or her future with a decision to continue on to higher education.
Allan’s students make connections for their futures through his class. After hearing a college representative speak in the class, one student enrolled in that college. Another student was hired through a contact made in the College and Careers class.
Although already a busy man as a father of five children, President and CEO of EXEControl Global Solutions, Board of Advisors member for the Seneca Data Corporation, and an active member in several business organizations, Allan Robison is committed to raising up the next generation of employees in the United States’ workforce, and encouraging them to reach higher. He gives his students a new outlook on life and opens doors of opportunity for their futures that would otherwise remain forever closed. Thanks to people like him, students are being prepared to meet the challenges of tomorrow with a working skill set.
Allan Robison is President and CEO of EXEControl Global Solutions, a software solution provider to businesses throughout the United States and Canada. The EXEControl ERP software solution is a horizontal package ideally suited for most any manufacturer, distributor, and retail company. Other businesses in such areas as service and rental are also often well-fitted to use the comprehensive and robust EXEControl business software suite.
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